Reviews, Interviews, and Podcasts celebrating the best Extreme Metal music

Author: Simon Hernandez

  • OPEN KASKET – “Trials of Failure” Review

    OPEN KASKET – “Trials of Failure” Review

    Ever hear a band and know exactly what they are going to be like to see live? That happened to me with Open Kasket. They’re the ones you’ll be sorry you missed the opportunity to see perform. While this group hailing from Arkansas, USA, Is a “new to me” band, I believe they might be…

  • Lacuna Coil – “Sleepless Empire” Review

    Lacuna Coil – “Sleepless Empire” Review

    LACUNA COIL- Sleepless Empire Review “Run.” Myself and this band took different paths long ago. I’ve got a great “Once Upon a Time” story that I’ll save for another article. My golden days with this band start way back when they were fresh faces on the Ozzfest tours and Metalcore scene. They had a unique…

  • Simon’s 2024 In Review

    Simon’s 2024 In Review

    That was quick… Already the End of the Year, 2024.Many, many, things occurred this year.Personally, celebrated my daughters First birthday, and my Son’s First Football season!It was another fantastic year married to the Love of my Life. Recapping 2024?We witnessed the rebirth of several things, including Marvel Jesus! We also saw dividers of many kinds….

  • In Case You Missed It…

    In Case You Missed It…

    Metal: A Headbangers Journey This was something you might have missed, or maybe not, as it does seem to have a cult following. It might seem a bit selfish when I read that back…but I ran across this awhile ago and am just now sharing it. I found this at a time when my wife…

  • Hell Is Other People – Moirae Review

    Hell Is Other People – Moirae Review

    “How many times do you think about the Roman Empire?”Not as much as I think. But here, going the other way. Greek! “Moirae”, the NOW RELEASED album from “Hell Is Other People”. Packing a lot into only a few tracks. True Atmospheric Black Metal, songs have length but aren’t without great proper musicianship and emotion….

  • Opeth Announce New Album: “Last Will and Testament”

    Opeth Announce New Album: “Last Will and Testament”

    OPETH returns. With a great tune, New Album, and a hidden goodbye? They’re touring the USA.. Is this the final curtain? Spawned in the early nineties, Opeth has dabbled in so many styles, from gutterals to near folk fairytales with lyrics that will have you feeling “like the most evil band” on the planet as…

  • Bad things come in 3’s…

    Bad things come in 3’s…

    Except in this case. Cheesy and misleading, but it’s true. If this was a tour, It’d be stacked. And I’d be stoked. Lamb of God, The Black Dahlia Murder, & Fleshgod Apocalypse. Lamb of God retreading old material with the help of some young guns. Featuring members of Kublai Khan TX & Malevolence – the…



    April 14th, 2024The maiden voyage on the US arm of this tour. THE OBSERVATORY – SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA! This venue has quickly become the epicenter (even more since the tear down of the 5 Point Amphitheater) for shows of the heavier variety. Locals like Dino Cazares or Mike Muir have been known to be seen…