Reviews, Interviews, and Podcasts concerning the best Extreme Metal music


  • The New Wave of British Heavy Metal (The Deeper Cuts) Part 2

    The New Wave of British Heavy Metal (The Deeper Cuts) Part 2

    Continued … I hope you enjoyed engaging with the first five bands in these articles.  Stand by for the next five.  As before, these bands are alphabetically listed and not ranked – I’ll leave that to you guys.  Four of these bands are, mostly, unknown to the average fan, but one at least will, probably,…

  • The New Wave Of British Heavy Metal (The Deeper Cuts) Part 1

    The New Wave Of British Heavy Metal (The Deeper Cuts) Part 1

    Beginnings The New Wave of British Heavy Metal (hereafter NWOBHM) was heavy metal’s first sub-genre.  It was primarily a British movement but that is not to say that good heavy metal wasn’t being produced around this time elsewhere. AC/DC and Accept are good examples of this.   The music was initially influenced by what we…

  • Satan – Songs in Crimson Review

    Satan – Songs in Crimson Review

    Formed in 1981, Satan were, for a brief period, the hardest and fastest of the NWOBHM bands releasing, in 1983, the magnificent Court in the Act.  The promise the band showed back then was off the scale and many a young metal fanatic, myself included, assumed that they would be ‘the next big thing’.  However, like…