Reviews, Interviews, and Podcasts celebrating the best Extreme Metal music

Tag: Ellende

  • Harsh Vocals – Episode 19 – Religion in Metal

    Harsh Vocals – Episode 19 – Religion in Metal

    For our nineteenth episode, we decided to talk about Religion in Metal. As an atheist, is there any real difference between Christian metal and Satanic metal? How important is religion as it relates to the music? Should metal musicians be subject to scrutiny for their beliefs? We discuss it all at length. Of course, we…

  • Harsh Vocals – Episode 18 – Imagery in Metal

    Harsh Vocals – Episode 18 – Imagery in Metal

    For our eighteenth episode, we decided to talk about Imagery in Metal. How important is the look of a band? How important is the art that is used for album covers? Does one approach give a band more or less credibility? How does that same imagery apply to the listeners? We discuss it all at…