Reviews, Interviews, and Podcasts celebrating the best Extreme Metal music

Tag: Dimmu Borgir

  • Black Metal: The demise of ‘True Cult’, 1996/97

    Black Metal: The demise of ‘True Cult’, 1996/97

    The years 1996 and 1997 produced some of the greatest black metal albums of all time.  So, for example, we have, Burzum: Filosofem, Emperor: Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk, Satyricon: Nemesis Divina, Enslaved: Eld, Gorgoroth: Antichrist & Under the Sign of Hell, Ulver: Nattens Madrigal, Immortal: Blizzard Beasts, Sacramentum: Far Away From the Sun, Vinterland: Welcome My Last Chapter, Blut aus Nord: Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers…

  • Harsh Vocals – Episode 14 – Gateway Bands

    Harsh Vocals – Episode 14 – Gateway Bands

    For our fourteenth episode, we discuss gateway bands, and the progression of our ears from their beginnings to where we can appreciate extreme metal now. We talk about the bands that were most influential to us, as well as how the era we grew up in had a big impact on the music we appreciate…