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Top 3 War Metal releases so far in 2024

War Metal or Bestial Black Metal are among the most abrasive and relentless forms of music and have garnered a large subsect of maniacal fans. Origins are muddy, as with most black metal sub genres, but can mostly be attributed to Blasphemy and the Ross Bay Cult. In the mid 80s metal bands were becoming more melodic, cleanly produced, band members got stylish, and less Satanic. Blasphemy would instead power lift and create some of the sickest most eternal riffs and blastbeats. Draped in feedback, distortion, echoing vocals, and with a sinister atmosphere this is everything my stupid primate brain wants. Conquerer and Revenge would follow from the same scene and other locals around the world have become incubators for this depravity. South America, Finland, Eastern Europe, South/East Asia, and the southern US are just some of the more prominent locals e.g. the Kolkata scene is just fantastic right now. Here I share three of my favorite war metal releases so far this year. Perfect music for exercise, dishwashing, angry gaming after a shit day at work, or just pissing people off that annoy you.

Antichrist Siege Machine – Vengeance of Eternal Fire

It sounds like this picture

First up, one of the more accessible bands today Antichrist Siege Machine released a great album mid April. A two piece from Richmond Virginia, SB plays drums and vocals, RZ plays guitar. ASM play fast and furious but with a more restrained and thoughtful output that at times is almost melodic. Production is relatively clean and its very easy to hear everything thats going on. At 25 minutes long, with songs that flow into one another, the album cruzes along and before you know it it’s over. Easy listening indeed! The record is available through Profound Lore and merch is available through the bands own bigcartel shop, I highly recommend this album to everyone it’s just good as hell.

Prehistoric War Cult – Barbaric Metal

Again pretty descriptive cover

Red and Antifascist Black Metal (RABM) is a lyrical/idealistic subgenre which encompasses several styles of black metal, often pretty crusty, here the German Prehistoric Warcult showcase relentless fury and aggresion. 2022’s EP “Under the Sign Of the Red Moon” has been one of my favorite releases of recent years so this full length was much anticipated. Stomping riffs, echoed ghastly vocals, blastbeats and just the right kind of (amount of?) production have yielded an album that remains interesting yet never slows down. About 30 minutes in length the LP is perfect for short activities or work tasks this is music for doing stuff. Available on BANDCAMP for your own price you must get this album


Sense a theme yet?

I first became aware of Primitive Warfare through their 2020 split with Bog Body, afterwards I found their demo. So this full length was much anticipated and it certainly delivers. Fast, grinding, and caustic here is 35 minutes that reminds one of Caveman Cult or Concrete Winds (that might just be their logo tbf) and maybe even a little Insect Warfare. Samples set the scene and break up the albums pace providing some structure to the cacophony, repeat listens reveal more of this. The LP is AVAILABLE through Stygian Black Hand via webshop or bandcamp and it is also on Spotify

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